Dave Smith

Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Newcastle

Curriculum Vitæ

David Andrew Smith

A pdf copy is available upon request


Email dave.smith@newcastle.edu.au

Website www.dasmithmaths.com

Undergraduate research lab www.unifiedtransformlab.com

Address University of Newcastle, University Dr, Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

Office SR206


2007–2011 PhD (Mathematics) University of Reading, UK
Supervised by Beatrice Pelloni
Supported by EPSRC studentship

2003–2007 MMath (Mathematics) University of York, UK
First class honours


2024–Present Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Newcastle

2016–2024 Assistant Professor of Science (Mathematics), Yale-NUS College

2022–2024 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore

2021–2022 Common Curriculum Facilitator: Quantitave Reasoning, Yale-NUS College

2015–2016 Assistant Professor (Postdoctoral), Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan

2013–2015 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati

2012–2013 Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Crete, Greece

2011–2012 Teaching fellow, University of Reading, UK

2007–2011 Teaching assistant, University of Reading, UK

Grants & funding

2022–2024 SG$50000. Yale-NUS College Seed Grant
Spectral methods for long time asymptotics of boundary value problems

2022 GB£1815. Isaac Newton Institute Visitor Support
Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves

2021–2022 SG$1500. Yale-NUS College Special Pocket Research Grant
Linear initial boundary value problems with exotic boundary conditions

2021–2022 GB£1300. QJMAM Fund for Applied Mathematics
Collaborative research visit to Edinburgh: dispersive revivals

2020–2023 AU$5500. Sydney Mathematics Research Institute International Visitor Program
Spectral theory of non-self-adjoint two-point differential operators

2019–2022 SG$20000. Yale-NUS College Project Grant (B)
Numerical and spectral unified transform method: complicated boundary conditions

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2018–2020 SG$20000. Yale-NUS College Workshop Grant (B)
Dispersive quantisation via the unified transform method

2019 GB£7560. Isaac Newton Institute Visitor Support
Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computation

2017–2018 SG$5000. Yale-NUS College Teaching Innovation Grant
Technology in Proof

2015 US$2000. SIAM Travel Award
International Congress on Industrial & Applied Mathematics 2015

Summer school

2018-07-16 to 2018-07-19 The Fokas transform method for linear evolution equations at Integrable systems in mathematics, condensed matter and statistical physics, ICTS Bengaluru, India.

Conferences, workshops & seminars

2025-03-05 University of Sydney Applied Mathematics Seminar, Sydney NSW, Australia

2025-02-06 ANZIAM 2025, Coffs Harbour NSW, Australia

2024-06-26 SIAM Conference on nonlinear waves and coherent structures, Baltimore MD, USA

2024-02-06 North Dakota State University Mathematics Colloquium, Fargo ND, USA

2023-12-13 University of Edinburgh & Heriot Watt University Joint Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, Edinburgh, UK.

2023-12-12 University of York Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminar, York, UK.

2023-12-05 Durham University Analysis and PDE Seminar, Durham, UK.

2023-12-01 University of Nottingham Wave Chaos Seminar, Nottingham, UK.

2023-11-30 King's Analysis Seminar, London, UK.

2023-10-14 4th Biennial Meeting of SIAM Pacific Northwest Section, Bellingham WA, USA.

2023-10-12 Seattle University Math Colloquium, Seattle WA, USA.

2023-10-09 University of Minnesota Applied and Computational Math Seminar, Minneapolis MN, USA.

2023-10-06 Oregon State University Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar, Corvalis OR, USA.

2023-10-05 Western Washington University Mathematics Colloquium, Bellingham WA, USA.

2023-10-04 Vancouver Island University Mathematics Seminar, Nanaimo BC, Canada.

2023-09-29 Simon Fraser University Applied and Computational Math Seminar, Burnaby BC, Canada.

2023-09-28 University of Washington Seminar in Applied Mathematics, Seattle WA, USA.

2023-09-27 University of Victoria Applied Math Seminar, Victoria BC, Canada.

2023-09-14 University of Idaho Math/Stat Colloquium, Moscow ID, USA.

2023-09-09 AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting, Buffalo NY, USA.

2023-06-01 AIMS conference on dynamical systems, differential equations and applications, Wilmington, NC, USA.

2022-11-30 Isaac Newton Institute Seminar, Cambridge, UK.

2022-08-30 SIAM Conference on nonlinear waves and coherent structures, Bremen, Germany.

2022-07-22 COSA-Net 28th summer school on dynamical systems and complexity, Chania, Greece.

2022-07-12 BIRS Workshop: Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators, Banff, AB, Canada.

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2022-03-30 IMACS International conference on nonlinear evolution equations and wave phenomena: computation and theory, Athens, GA.

2021-07-22 2021 SIAM Annual Meeting, Online.

2019-11-21 8th LMS OPSFOTA meeting and 4th Operator theory workshop, Reading, UK.

2019-10-28 Isaac Newton Institute workshop: Complex analysis in mathematical physics and applications, Cambridge, UK.

2019-05-22 University of California Santa Cruz gemoetry & analysis seminar, Santa Cruz, CA, USA.

2019-05-17 University of California Davis PDE and applied math seminar, Davis, CA, USA.

2019-04-29 University of California Irvine applied and computational mathematics seminar, Irvine, CA, USA.

2019-04-22 Claremont center for mathematical sciences applied math seminar, Claremont, CA, USA.

2019-04-18 The Eleventh IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, GA, USA.

2018-12-06 AustMS 2018, Adelaide, Australia.

2018-07-07 12th AIMS conference on dynamical systems, differential equations and applications, Taipei, Taiwan.

2018-06-12 SIAM Conference on nonlinear waves and coherent structures, Anaheim, CA, USA.

2018-02-05 University of East Anglia Applied mathematics seminar, Norwich, UK.

2018-01-29 University of East Anglia Applied mathematics seminar, Norwich, UK.

2017-10-11 University of Sydney applied mathematics seminar, Sydney, Australia.

2017-07-20 IMA / University of Minnesota Mathematical Physics Seminar, Minneapolis MN, USA.

2017-05-15 University of York Integrable Systems Seminar, York, UK.

2017-05-11 ICMS workshop: applied and computational complex analysis, Edinburgh, UK.

2017-03-30 The Tenth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, GA, USA.

2016-08-22 Yale-NUS College Mathematics, Computer Science, & Statistics Seminar, Singapore.

2016-06-25 Nonlinear Waves: Theory and Applications, Beijing, China.

2016-05-07 77th Midwest PDE Seminar, Cincinnati OH, USA.

2016-04-18 University of Michigan Teaching Mathematics Seminar, Ann Arbor MI, USA.

2016-04-08 University of Michigan Applied & Interdiscipliniary Mathematics Seminar, Ann Arbor MI, USA.

2015-04-13 ICIAM 2015, Beijing, China.

2015-04-02 9th IMACS Waves 9, Athens GA, USA.

2015-02-28 Ohio River Analysis Meeting 5, Cincinnati OH, USA.

2015-02-17 University of South Florida Mathematics Colloquium, Tampa FL, USA.

2014-11-20 Cincinnati Math Teaching Colloquium, Cincinnati OH, USA.

2014-11-11 Kentucky Analysis & PDE Seminar, Lexington KY, USA.

2014-10-28 University of Washington Mathematical Methods Seminar Series, e-seminar.

2014-08-12 SIAM Conference of Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Cambridge, UK.

2014-04-03 Cincinnati Analysis & PDE seminar, Cincinnati OH, USA.

2014-03-08 Ohio River Analysis Meeting 4, Lexington KY, USA.

2014-03-06 Maryland PDE-Applied Math seminar, University of Maryland MD, USA.

2013-10-26 Ercolani's 60th Integrable Systems, Random Matrix Theory & Combinatorics, Tucson AZ, USA.

2013-09-26 Cincinnati Analysis & PDE seminar, Cincinnati OH, USA.

2012-09-27 Crete Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar, Heraklion, Greece.

2012-08-21 Marchenko 2012: Spectral Theory and Differential Equations, Kharkov, Ukraine.

2012-05-31 ICMS workshop: Boundary value problems for linear elliptic and integrable PDEs: theory and computation, Edinburgh, UK.

2012-02-27 Reading Analysis seminar, Reading, UK.

2011-04-07 Young functional analysts' workshop 2011, York, UK.

2011-02-23 York University pure mathematics seminar, York, UK.

2011-01-14 MAGIC postgraduate student conference 2011, Reading, UK.

2010-05-21 Reading Friday afternoon seminar series, Reading, UK.

2009-10-21 Reading PhD seminar series, Reading, UK.

Conferences, workshops & seminars: mathematics education

2019-11-22 Department of mathematics & statistics, Reading, UK.

2019-11-06 Yale-NUS College Centre for Teaching & Learning workshop: integrating peer review into your teaching, Singapore.

2017-12-13 ICEduTech 2017, Sydney, Australia.

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2016-04-18 University of Michigan teaching mathematics seminar, Ann Arbor MI, USA.

2014-11-20 Math teaching colloquium at University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH, USA.


2021–2022 Council of Common Curriculum Facilitators

2020–2022 Committee on Faculty Affairs

2021 Sciences Common Curriculum Development Team

2018–2019 Teaching, Learning and Advising Committee


Available upon request.